Photo of Bali where plastic bags are now banned

5 inspiring Ted Talks for #PlasticfreeJuly

It's PlasticfreeJuly and we're all looking for inspiration and motivation to avoid single use plastics for an entire month. Here are some Ted Talks that I find inspiring. None are more than 15 minutes long so it makes for easy watching: The economic injustice of plastic | Van Jones So topical and so powerful.… Continue reading 5 inspiring Ted Talks for #PlasticfreeJuly

A list of zero waste documentaries

5 zero waste documentaries to watch during COVID-19 lock-down

Zero waste is getting a beating during the COVID-19 pandemic with stores closing bulk isles and banning you from bringing your own grocery bags. Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash Let's use the time being stuck at home to virtually spread the movement so that we can come back out in full force once some of the stay-at-home… Continue reading 5 zero waste documentaries to watch during COVID-19 lock-down

Which zero waste documentaries to watch over the holidays

The best zero waste documentaries to watch over the holidays

Nowadays, binge-eating and binge-drinking is usually followed by binge-watching movies on TV during the holidays. So if you're sick of Elf, Frozen I & II, and Home Alone, or would just like to use the time a little more sensibly: Here's a list of documentaries and short clips for the conscious consumer that will hopefully… Continue reading The best zero waste documentaries to watch over the holidays